Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Dodger Stadium Opening Day

On April 1st I went to opening day at Dodger Stadium with my sister. I've been to a few opening days in the past but this is my most memorable. We got there around 9:30am and were one of the first people through the gates. As soon as we got to the bottom of the stairs I got my first autograph of the day. A luxury car got my attention and I saw it was chauffeured. The driver opened the door and it was Tommy Lasorda himself! I had heard stories of Tommy's temper and I was nervous about asking him for his autograph. My sister and I were the only fans around him so we took a chance. I handed her a ball and I got another out of my backpack and we asked together. I was sure to say "please" because he'll let you know if you don't. He turned to us and said "O.K. Come on!" My sister took a pic as he signed my ball on the sweet spot. So just like that I got my first ever autograph at Dodger Stadium. After that we got in line and waited until 10:15 to be let in. As soon as I got in I ran to the dodgers dugout and was able to get Brandon League on a ball. This was my first time trying to graph and I'm really happy with what I got. I want to thank Tommy Lasorda And Brandon League for the autographs and also bloggers at , and for inspiring me to start graphing. Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck on the graphing. Fun pastime.
    No pictures on MVP cards. They just assume that you are who you say you are or are with the person who is on card. Vital to graphing purposes. Got Beckett last week because I was in the stadium a hour before general public
